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Patent Pending

Hello and welcome. Let me introduce you to what we call BoIP, “Broadcast over IP”.


First, imagine if all you needed in your transmitter building to produce the audio signal for your station was a single piece of equipment and your transmitter. No racks of equipment at your studio and racks of equipment at your transmitter building, just a device (our Cloud Connector) and your transmitter. 


This is basically a type of cloud computing model called IaaS, "Infrastructure as a Service". Usually, IaaS providers offer clients the ability to lease on-demand IT infrastructure such as servers, virtual computers, storage, networking, etc. Companies use this type of cloud platform to reduce costs, scale resources more easily, increase reliability, and more. 


​What we're doing is taking this same type of cloud model (IaaS) and applying it specifically to terrestrial radio. So, instead of providing generic IT infrastructure, which a company might get from a traditional IaaS provider to, for example, run their web server in the cloud, we're providing the specific IT and RF equipment needed to generate a radio station's audio chain, in the cloud. Radio Broadcasters will be able to gain all of the advantages of an IaaS system using our service. 

We call the local interface for the system the Cloud Connector. This device outputs the station’s final multiplex signal (if it’s an FM station) or analog signal (if it’s an AM station).  This output then feeds your transmission system. Think of this device as the "edge" of our infrastructure, the local interface which outputs your audio stream from our cloud and interfaces with your transmitter for broadcast. 


You might be wondering... where’s all the other equipment? The processor, encoders (RDS, PPM, etc.), EAS, automation system, streaming computer, and anything else needed to produce the station’s audio?


All of that is at our data center.​

Your Transmitter/Tower Site


Our BoIP Facility

You choose the operating system for your automation and streaming software, you choose your on-air processor and any other processors/encoders you want or need, and we send you a Cloud Connector that receives and decodes your station’s audio for output to your transmitter. 


You control all the devices for your station through our browser-based Admin Console. You run your automation system the same as ever, go live in your studio the same as ever, and you can tweak processing through the processor’s web interface, setup your RDS, Nielsen, EAS, etc. all the same as ever before. But you don't have to worry about the costs of owning and maintaining the equipment, network infrastructure, and everything necessary for your station. You only need your transmitter (and transmission system, of course: line, antenna, etc.) and your studio equipment, if you'd like to go live from your own studio, such as for a morning show. 


We'll also have all the satellite infrastructure and receivers so that a broadcaster won’t have to worry about dishes or receivers in order to take satellite syndicated programming their affiliated with (sports, music formats, shows, etc.), and we'll have audio codecs for live remote broadcasts or similar contribution to your audio-chain. Everything you need for your station, in the cloud!


We’re building all of this equipment and technology in a fortified location, complete with backup utilities, backup internet services, highest-level physical and data security, everything needed to ensure maximum reliability and durability.


There are numerous services and scenarios that our facility and edge devices will be able to support and at any scale. â€‹Stay tuned!

© 2024 by Joda Media, LLC

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